My local environment
This article is about my current configuration, but I'm going to talk only about the terminal and my text editor because those will work in any linux distribution...

Give super powers to your terminal with tmux
In this article I want to introduce you to tmux, you might have used screen in the past or heard about it, what tmux and screen are is terminal multiplexers...

SSH Local Port Forward
SSH is a great tool not only to connect and interact with remote servers, in this article we will explore SSH Local port forward and what it means, we also will explore SSH Remote port...

SSH Remote Port Forward
SSH is a great tool not only to connect and interact with remote servers, in this article we will explore SSH Remote port forward and what it means, we also will explore ...

SSH Socks Proxy
SSH is a great tool not only to connect and interact with remote servers, in this article we will explore SSH Socks proxy and what it means, we also will explore SSH remote proxy...

Getting started with HashiCorp Vault on Kubernetes
Exploring how to install and use Vault on Kubernetes...

How to report your gmail spam folder to spamcop
This post is a bit different from the others in the sense that it's a small tool I did to ease spam reporting to...

How to report spam to spamcop from gmail
Easy method to report spam to spamcop using GMail, this helps to reduce the true Spam from unknown sources, since for some reason I started to get...

Cat and friends (Netcat and Socat)
In this article we will see how to use cat, netcat and socat at least some basic examples and why do we have so many cats...

Gitlab-CI Basics
In this article we will continue where we left off the forward project last time, in this article we will use gitlab-ci...

Kubernetes local playground alternatives
In this article we will explore different alternatives for spinning up a cluster locally for testing, practicing or just developing an application...

Kubernetes image policy webhook explained
In this article we will explore how webhook works in kubernetes and more specifically about the ImagePolicyWebhook, the kubernetes documentation about it is kind of vague...

Running Rust on ARM32v7 via QEMU
In this article we will explore how to use QEMU to run emulating the ARM32v7 architecture to build and run a rust project...

Testing tekton to build and push images for my K3S ARM Oracle cluster
In this article we will explore how to deploy and configure tekton to build and push images to your registry to be consumed from your cluster, we will also see how these are deployed in another article...

Cloud native applications with kubebuilder and kind aka kubernetes operators
In this article we will see how to use kubebuilder and kind to create and test an operator...

Create your own GitOps controller with Rust
In this article we will see how to write an MVP/Basic gitops controller to help us automate our infrastructure deployments...