How to create a serverless twitter bot
This article explains how to create a serverless tweet-bot, basically pulls articles from this blog and post them to twitter in a nice way. It uses cron as the trigger...

Sending emails with AWS Lambda and SES from a HTML form
This article is part of the serverless series, in this article we will see how to create a serverless function in AWS Lambda to send an email coming from the HTML form in the site...

What does the serverless framework does for me
The Serverless Framework helps you develop and deploy your AWS Lambda functions, along with the AWS infrastructure resources they require. It's a CLI that offers structure...

Create an AWS lambda function in Go
In this article we will create a lambda function and an API Gateway route like we did with the serverless framework but only using AWS tools, we will be using the same generated...

Go continuous integration with Travis CI and Docker
In this article we will see how to create a simple continuous integration process using github, travis-ci and docker...

Go continuous delivery with Terraform and Kubernetes
In this article we will continue where we left off the last time: Go continuous integration with Travis CI and Docker...

Go gRPC Cheap ping
In this article we will explore gRPC with a cheap ping application, basically we will do a ping and measure the time it takes for the message to go to the server and back before...

Serverless authentication with Cognito
In this article we will see how to use Terraform and Go to create a serverless API using API Gateway, Lambda, and Go, and we will also handle authentication with AWS Cognito...

Brief introduction to terratest
In this article we will see the basics to have tests for your terraform code using a re-usable pattern, we will use the code from the last article...

How to report your gmail spam folder to spamcop
This post is a bit different from the others in the sense that it's a small tool I did to ease spam reporting to...

Gitlab-CI Basics
In this article we will continue where we left off the forward project last time, in this article we will use gitlab-ci...

Testing the Operator SDK and making a prefetch mechanism for Kubernetes
In this article we will explore how to create an operator that can prefetch our images (from our deployments to all nodes) using the Operator SDK, you might be wondering why...

Cloud native applications with kubebuilder and kind aka kubernetes operators
In this article we will see how to use kubebuilder and kind to create and test an operator...