Gitlab-CI Basics
In this article we will continue where we left off the forward project last time, in this article we will use gitlab-ci to test, build and push the image of our operator to dockerhub.
Gitlab offers a pretty complete solution, but we will only sync our repo from github and set a basic pipeline to test, build and push our docker image to the registry, note that I do not have any kind of affiliation with gitlab, but I like their platform. Also this article demonstrates that you can use github and gitlab in a straight forward manner using the free tier in both sides, we rely in the free shared runners to make our custom CI system.
If you want to check the previous article go here, that way you will know what the project is all about.
Create the project
Once you have your accounts configured, let’s create a project, the page should look something like this
We want to create a repo or sync a repo in this case, so we select
Create a project
and continue
Project type
In this step we have a few options and since we have our code in Github and we want to work there, we only want to sync it, so we need to choose CI/CD for external repo
Note that if the repo is public you can fetch/clone using the repo URL, but since I want to check also private repos I went for the github token alternative. Once you hit github it will ask you for the token then it will show you the full list of repos in your account
Github Token
I picked to use a personal token to fetch the repos to be able to grab private repos, etc, so you will need to go to your github account, Settings->Developer settings
and then create a new token or click here
Now you only need to give it access to repo, and hit save or create new personal token
Make sure you don’t expose or publish that token in any way, otherwise someone could gain access to your account
(Back to gitlab) Select the repository to sync
Here we need to select the repo that we want to sync and hit connect, it will automatically fetch everything periodically from github.
Dockerhub token
Now we will need to create a token for dockerhub so we can push our image from the build runner, go to your dockerhub account and create a token
Basically you have to go to
Account settings->Security->New Access Token
or click here.
Then we need to save that token as DOCKERHUB_TOKEN
in this case as an environment variable in the gitlab project, Settings->CI/CD->Variables
make sure masked is marked but not protected, protected is only used when you want to use that secret in specific branches
Gitlab-CI config
After that we only need to add the code to the repo and that will trigger a build, the file needs to be called .gitlab-ci.yml
image: golang:1.13.7-alpine3.11
- test
- build
IMAGE_NAME: "kainlite/forward"
- apk update && apk add curl make musl-dev gcc build-base
- BUILD_DIR=$(pwd)
- export GOPATH=${BUILD_DIR}/_build
- export PATH=${GOPATH}/bin:${PATH}
- export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
- mkdir -p "${GOPATH}/src/${PKG_PATH}" && cd "${GOPATH}/src/${PKG_PATH}"
- curl -L > /tmp/kubebuilder.tar.gz
- tar -zxvf /tmp/kubebuilder.tar.gz
- chmod +x kubebuilder_2.2.0_linux_amd64/bin/* && mkdir -p /usr/local/kubebuilder && mv kubebuilder_2.2.0_linux_amd64/bin/ /usr/local/kubebuilder/
- export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/kubebuilder/bin
- curl -L > /tmp/kustomize.tar.gz
- tar -zxvf /tmp/kustomize.tar.gz
- mv kustomize /usr/local/bin
- curl -L > /usr/local/bin/kind
- chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kind /usr/local/bin/kustomize
- curl -L > /tmp/docker.tar.gz
- tar -xzvf /tmp/docker.tar.gz -C /tmp/
- chmod +x /tmp/docker/* && cp /tmp/docker/docker* /usr/local/bin && rm -rf /tmp/docker
stage: test
- cd ${BUILD_DIR} && make test
- _build/pkg
stage: build
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
- docker:dind
- cd ${BUILD_DIR}
- docker login -u "kainlite" -p "${DOCKERHUB_TOKEN}"
- docker pull "$IMAGE_NAME:${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" || true
- make docker-build docker-push IMG="${IMAGE_NAME}:${CI_COMMIT_SHA}"
- docker tag "kainlite/forward:${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" "$IMAGE_NAME:latest"
- make docker-push IMG="${IMAGE_NAME}:latest"
- _build/pkg
basically we just install everything we need run the tests if everything goes well, then the build and push process. There is a lot of room for improvement in that initial config, but for now we only care in having some sort of CI system
Then we will see something like this in the CI/CD->Pipelines
tab, after each commit it will trigger a test, build and push
Checking the results
And we can validate that the images are in dockerhub
Useful links
Some useful links:
Closing notes
I hope you enjoyed it and hope to see you on twitter or github!
If you spot any error or have any suggestion, please send me a message so it gets fixed.
Also, you can check the source code and changes in the generated code and the sources here
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