Create an AWS lambda function in Go
In this article we will create a lambda function and an API Gateway route like we did with the serverless framework but only using AWS tools, we will be using the same generated...

Creating a lambda function with terraform
Here we will see how to use terraform to manage lambda functions, it will be a simple hello world in node.js, available as gist...

Go continuous delivery with Terraform and Kubernetes
In this article we will continue where we left off the last time: Go continuous integration with Travis CI and Docker...

Getting started with terraform modules
In this article we will see a subtle introduction to terraform modules, how to pass data into the module, get something from the module and create a resource (GKE cluster)...

Brief introduction to terratest
In this article we will see the basics to have tests for your terraform code using a re-usable pattern, we will use the code from the last article...

Automatic terraform linting with reviewdog and tflint
In this article we will test how to lint and get automatic checks in our github pull requests for our terraform code using reviewdog...