New blog
New blog to document and learn about the infamous Web3 world with a dynamic self-hosted blog...

Running a phoenix app in a multinode fashion in kubernetes
Running a phoenix app in a multinode fashion in kubernetes

Getting started with Wallaby integration tests
Wallaby is a concurrent feature testing library, also known as integration testing libraries, it can be configured with chromedriver, geckodriver, etc, to spin up a browser and interact with your site, run some assertions and also validate your application as a real user would do.

RSS is not dead yet
In this article we will see how to add an RSS feed to your Phoenix application, and how to render XML.

Remote iex session
In this article we will see how to connect to your production instances from a development machine, this can be useful for many different reasons, handle with care when doing so but know how in case you need to do some manual intervention.

Migrating from kubernetes cronjobs to quantum-core
In this article we will move our scheduled tasks away from kubernetes and instead we will use quantum-core to schedule and run these tasks, we can simplify some things in the tasks themselves as we won't need to boot our entire app before running our task.

Scheduled tasks in your elixir application
In this article we will see how to create and run tasks automatically with the help of kubernetes, in this particular scenario for the blog and also specifically for a phoenix web app, while the kubernetes part is general enough, there are some interesting things to learn about the elixir ecosystem as well.